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This dataset includes the monitoring of energy consumption of a Data Server that is working in the facilities of the Information Technology Center (CTI) of the Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL). The data acquisition equipment was 2PEM-100A. 2PEM-100A is open-source hardware based on the ESP32 hardware.

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The equipment used to perform these measurements was 2PEM-100A. The steps that were performed in the installation of the equipment 2PEM-100A for the recording of these data are available at the following link (Electrical Installation and Connections), as follows:
  1. Remove the cover of MCB-100A
  2. Remove the Jumper
  3. Conectar el Cable USB a un Computador
  4. Connecting the measuring coils
  5. Staple the coils to the load lines.
  6. Energizing the MCB-100A
  7. Install ARDUINO IDE on the Computer
The data set includes 12 days of power consumption log at a sampling rate of 4 data per second (4Hz). The columns represent the following variables:
  • Voltaje (V)
  • Current (A)
  • Power (W)
  • Frecuency (Hz)
  • Energy (KWh)
  • Power Factor
  • Temperature ESP32 (°C)
  • CPU usage (%)
  • RAM usage (%)
To use the attached data (dataset.mat), please follow the step-by-step instructions described in the attached PDF files:
Source code used to program the measuring equipment (2PEM-100A):
Design of the printed circuit board (PCB) of the measuring equipment (2PEM-100A):
More examples using dataset:


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